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What’s: How to Pronounce “What’s” in English
When learning English, it is essential to understand how to pronounce words correctly. One such word that often poses a challenge for learners is “what’s.” This article will guide you on how to pronounce “what’s” accurately and provide some useful tips to improve your pronunciation skills.
1. What is “What’s”?
“What’s” is a contraction of two words, “what” and “is.” It is commonly used in English to ask questions about someone’s identity, ask for information, or inquire about something. Pronouncing “what’s” correctly will help you communicate effectively in various situations.
2. The Correct Pronunciation of “What’s”
To pronounce “what’s” correctly, follow these steps:
Step 1: Start with the “w” sound, which is formed by rounding your lips and blowing air through a small opening.
Step 2: Move smoothly into the “h” sound by exhaling gently through your mouth while your vocal cords remain relaxed.
Step 3: Transition to the “a” sound by opening your mouth slightly wider and positioning your tongue in a neutral position.
Step 4: Finally, pronounce the “t” sound by placing your tongue against the ridge behind your upper front teeth and releasing a small burst of air.
Remember to blend these sounds together smoothly to pronounce “what’s” correctly.
3. Common Pronunciation Mistakes
English learners often make the following pronunciation mistakes when saying “what’s”:
Mistake 1: Pronouncing the “w” sound as a “v” sound. Remember to round your lips and produce the “w” sound by blowing air through a small opening.
Mistake 2: Omitting the “h” sound. Ensure that you exhale gently through your mouth to produce the correct “h” sound.
Mistake 3: Pronouncing the “a” sound as a long “a” or “uh” sound. Keep your mouth slightly open and your tongue in a neutral position to produce the correct short “a” sound.
Mistake 4: Mispronouncing the “t” sound. Place your tongue against the ridge behind your upper front teeth and release a small burst of air to pronounce the “t” sound correctly.
4. Practicing Pronunciation
To improve your pronunciation of “what’s,” practice the following exercises:
Exercise 1: Repeat the word “what’s” slowly and focus on each sound. Pay attention to the correct lip, tongue, and mouth positions.
Exercise 2: Record yourself saying “what’s” and listen to the recording. Compare it to a native speaker’s pronunciation and identify areas for improvement.
Exercise 3: Practice saying “what’s” in different contexts, such as asking questions or using it in sentences. This will help you become more comfortable with its pronunciation.
5. Listening to Native Speakers
Listening to native English speakers is an excellent way to improve your pronunciation skills. Pay attention to how they pronounce “what’s” and try to mimic their intonation, stress, and rhythm. You can watch movies, listen to podcasts, or engage in conversations with native speakers to expose yourself to authentic pronunciation.
6. Seeking Feedback
Seeking feedback from a native English speaker or a language tutor can greatly help you improve your pronunciation. They can provide guidance, correct any errors, and offer tips specific to your pronunciation needs. Utilize their expertise to refine your pronunciation of “what’s” and other English words.
7. Practice Makes Perfect
Remember that mastering pronunciation takes time and practice. Regularly incorporate pronunciation exercises into your language learning routine and be patient with yourself. With dedication and consistent practice, you will gradually improve your pronunciation skills, including the correct pronunciation of “what’s.”
Pronouncing “what’s” correctly is crucial for effective communication in English. By following the steps outlined in this article and practicing regularly, you will enhance your pronunciation skills and gain confidence in using “what’s” in various contexts. Remember to seek feedback from native speakers and embrace the journey of improving your English pronunciation.

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